Tuesday, September 16, 2008

TWD: Chocolate Chunkers

What a name right? "Chunkers" because they make you chunky, because they are so darn good that you want to eat the whole batch! My third week or TWD and it's cookies again! yeah! I love cookies, so I am living it up! This recipe was chosen by Claudia, Mmmmmmm good choice.

That is how I feel when I eat one of these cookies. They are probably the ugliest cookies, but they are soooo good. They have a very chewy "brownie-ish" inside texture to them. I did omit the raisins though, didn't think they sounded as good with them. There is un-sweet, bittersweet, semi-sweet and milk chocolate morsels ALL in this cookie, plus some pecans. Mmmm...I think I may grab another one. This cookbook has so many darn good recipes it's unreal. This being my favorite cookie made so far =) out of three. My pictures are not so good and do not do justice to how they really taste. I just hope my dear sweet husband might get me a "sweet" camera for my birthday or Christmas?? Anyway...cookies...ahhh, they are so good, and I totally suggest you bake these yummy goodness cookies...they definitely got the Yummy Goodness of Approval. (I don't really have one of these, but I might just start =) ENJOY!!!


La Bella Cooks said...

Ha Ha, I love how everyone is saying they are ugly. It is true, but they sure are yummy!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the group! I don't know how I missed you the first two weeks. I'm personally looking forward to moving beyond cookies again. You should make a little badge of some kind and start awarding the Yummy Goodness Seal of Approval!

Marthe said...

Welcome to TWD!! Thanks for your comment on my blog! I absolutely loved these Chunkers!! Looking forward to trying the plum cake!

TeaLady said...

what is better than a cookie smile. Maybe it would go well with a milk mustache, just like the cookies. They look delish.

And Welcome to TWD

Libby said...

funny how when you see this week's and last week's cookies side by side, they look so similar, but taste sooooo different. hmm. good work!

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...

They look sooo chunky! YUM!

Pamela said...

The pictures look pretty good to me. They weren't pretty, but they were so good! Great job.

Bungalow Barbara said...

These sure were good! Glad you liked them!

Jules Someone said...

Hehehehe. Cookie smiley face. Hehehehe.